venerdì 27 gennaio 2012

City of Bocca d'Ombrone

'Remembering the Yellow Sky' takes place in Italy, in Tuscan region. Bocca d'Ombrone is a real place, but in my story it does appear much different than in real life. Bocca d'Ombrone is in Maremma park, a zone protected by italian law, so is forbidden to build something here, and works are made only to preserve the park. In 'Remembering the Yellow Sky', Bocca d'Ombrone is a city (about 20,000 inhabitants), and Ombrone river divides the town in two parts. There are many reasons behind the fact i've choose Italy as theater of my story. Italians neglect possibility of background that the whole Italy can offer for a story. Typical italian mentality wants that an italian comic or an italian story must me extremely serious and very close to reality, at the point of being dull. Also italian seems to tell only story about italian problems, even if they aren't interested to tell those kind of story. I am concerned too about italian problems, but i'm not interested to tell a story about them. I'm more likely the kind of storyteller that likes to tell light hearted stories, or things that are in my interests (I don't know if RtYS is so light hearted, it talks about what does means to be different, abot how people can't understand you fully even if their love is honest. It talks about wishing to be accepted but at the same time sense of inferiority or superiority - and I took inspiration from autism supremacy, a movement that i don't like at all, but it was good for my story), human experiments (of course against will of protagonists). Not really only italian things. Another reason i've choose Italy as main place of my story is because for me is easier to name characters and places in a believable way. The fact i've choosen Tuscan is because is like the symbol of italian history (the most beautiful italian region, full of vegetation and history, and just for this very inspiring), and the fact i've choosen a free place (Bocca d'Ombrone) is because i want to be totally free to draw a city as i want. Also RtYS is not located in this world, but in another dimension.

1 commento:

  1. Spero di andarci, prima o poi :))) Non è lontano da dove vivono i miei parenti :)))
