Writers are often divided in two categories. Pantster (writers that just sit and write following inspiration) and Plotters (writers that study every detail of their story before start to write). I'm a Plotter (I'm pretty an hardcore plotter), so panster will find this useless.
I can't start to write without knowing characters of my story and setting. So i need to start to create character. Evemn random characters are OK. Inventing characters, their background story and their personalities, studing even useless details will keep your fantasy alive and strong. Create even your settings, rules of your world exc...
Deciding a story is rather complex. You have to like your idea. Not all story you will decide to write can be written. I trashed a lot of stories and characters in past.
You must have a reason to write that story. Remembering the Yellow Sky is to show how it does means to be different. Acceptance doesn't help to fell like others, but you can still appreciate the action. is pretty difficult to explain, i think you will understand it by reading the story.
Rough Dreams is to show the hard life of wrestlers, they fight for enternaiment, but often fans forget that wrestlers are human being and can get hurt. I took a lot of inspiration from the Undertaker, a wrestler that is loved but not understood by fans.
After having decided your reasons to write a story, go directly to the ending of your story. Knowing the ending first is a good way to keep your story solid. Your ending may change. Keep attention that ending convey the message. An ending that doesn't fit will the whole story (a pretty common mistake) will ruin the story and the message.
Now you have ended your story. Is time to decide how your story start. you can start to write the plot of your story or several plotlines. You also have to decide the main conflict, probably you already have in mind what conflicts are, but writing them down will help you to not miss the point of the story.
A good way to understand if your story has missed point, is try to ask detailed questions to every sentence you write. If you can answer to every sentence, if you can find answer to every sentence in your story it does means that your story is OK. If you can't this does mean either you have to adjust and add missed parts or you have to cut that part because is useless to the story.
Useless details are those details that you can remove without seeing the story suffer.
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